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5ibid。 p125

6iaquat ahad, ords of fahe pengu press, ne york, 2009, p448。

7tiothy green, the ne ord of god, gee eidenfed and nison, ondon, 1936。



ose evanspritchard,ecb us ive rates as europes enoic crisis deepens,the teegraph, dec 6, 2012。

10robert ehe gerans ant their god reserves barbes, jan 19,2013。

11checkg the vauts: gerans fret about their fn god reserves,der spiege, ay 14, 2012。

12queeioned fancia crisis, bbes, dec 13, 2013。

13terrence duffy, president and exef e group berg tv apri 29, 2013

14pau berts,the assaut on god, paurg, apri 4, 2013。

15eric kg tervieed ith dr。 phiippa “pippa” agren, kg ord nes, june 7, 2013。

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